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Monday, November 3, 2014

Why I am no longer a vegetarian

My dearest vegetables,
Happy 1 year anniversary!
I can definitely say, it's been great.
But, we have to talk.
(Originally written April 18th, 2014)

For those of you that don't understand my attempt to be clever, I'll explain it a little better. A year and a half ago, April 17th, 2013, I made the decision to go vegetarian. I cut out all meats and gelatin cold turkey.

When I started vegetarianism, it went very well. I kept track of my foods to make sure I was getting the right nutrients and never had a problem. I really didn't miss meat. It's surprising how easy it is to find meat free foods. My relationship with vegetarianism hasn't always been easy, though.

To be honest, I got tons of comments that I didn't want. Everyone around me suddenly felt it was fine for them to ask me how much protein I eat in a day and examine all my habits. I couldn't get through a day, or even a meal, without something coming up about meat. Can you eat this? Can you eat that? YES! I can. I just choose not to. This thing I'm doing here is completely by choice. I never ever brought up vegetarianism, but people around me felt the need to always make it publicly known.

Ok. So. We're eating pizza with a group. I feel like "cheese, please" is a lot easier than "I don't eat meat" and the following explanation; "no thank you" works just fine, too.

But over the last year, I've realized that I don't actually remember my reason for stopping eating meat. I care about animals, but these animals are raised and produced just to be eaten. Overall, I do not support large scale farming and mass businesses. That's the reason I've transitioned into. So, it's time for some changes.

I am no longer vegetarian; now Conscious Consumer.

Meat: I'm only going to eat you to have new experiences, or when refusing is inconvenient or rude. Don't worry, I won't be buying you any time soon.
Fish: Sorry, I'm coming for you. Your industries are a little different to me. 

We can still be friends, right?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

T.P. T.M.I (Figure that one out, Gen X)


I got toilet paper stuck to my shoe for the first time ever the other day. Before this experience, I'd thought that wasn't really a thing that happened. Like slipping on a banana peel in cartoons? I don't feel like banana peel would be that much slipperier than a random napkin or noodle on the floor. Is it really that common of an accident? Why are people throwing banana peels all over the ground anyways? That's not sanitary. 

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It feels good. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Reasons I should not have ridden my bike today


  • Over the last summer and winter, my handlebars have disintegrated to a sticky gross texture. As a result, my hands are oily and stained black.
  •  I have no idea where I'm supposed to be biking. In the road? Yes, there are signs. "Share the road". But what about on the sidewalks between the footbridge with a bike lane, and the road? Am I allowed to bike here if I don't run over any people? Do I have to walk my bike? Do I look stupid for walking my bike?
  • Weather. Everything that goes with weather. First off, today was not pretty. Alternating between a very cold rain and snow, my bike seat was very wet. This resulted in either a wet butt (which would turn into a freezing butt), or a wet sleeve (which would result in a freezing hand).
  • Still on the weather topic. Regardless of my direction of travel, I was pelted continuously in the face by tiny hail balls that melted when they hit my skin. With stinging eyes, I looked down for the majority of the trip. Probably not safe among pedestrians and traffic?
  • Think we're done with weather yet. Hehe. This one could be solved with gloves, but, of course, I don't know where mine are. My hands were FREEZING by the time I got anywhere. Not just cold. We're talking popsicles. Locking up a bike is very complicated when you have no feeling in your fingers
  • I think my bike might be broken. I'm not exactly great with bicycle anatomy, but sometimes when I peddle, the chain goes wonky and it doesn't move the tires. I'm just peddling away and going nowhere. And of course, that happened this morning on my way to class; when I was late and looked terrible. Right next to my R.A. I'm pretty sure she already thinks I'm a bit crazy.
  • Remember the wet butt part? Wasn't really avoided. I have a splash guard on my back tire, but there is a small section that shit can still get through. And where does it spray? Right on my bum.

To do list: 

  • Figure out how bike chains work.
  • Get a plastic bag for my seat.
  • Find gloves.
  • Cover my handlebars.
Fuck it. I'm just walking tomorrow.